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2013.04.24 05:08

Hello 이문세 from California

2013.04.24 05:08 조회수 1751

I've been a law enforcement officer in the United State of America all my life. I fell in love with 이문세 노래 when I went to Korea before and during the Olympic Games to help Korean Government with counter terrorism matter. I really want to meet mr Lee in person whenever he has a chance to visit the States again, or give me an honor to see you when i visit Korea. I served two Olympic Games and have dedicated all my life in pursuit of justice.
I'd love to hear from other members, either in Korean or in English.


Kevin Suh

  • ?
    귀여운도깨비 2013.04.24 08:05
    welcome to 문세짱s stable which is the most wonderful in korea.^*^
    Have fun to come here when you feel boring or tired in everyday life.
    while you stay here. wiSh to be happy as much as sky and earth.^^
  • ?
    귀여운도깨비 2013.04.24 09:17
    That uniform is very becoming on you^*^

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